September 9, 2013

Tapping and Pressing

Good morning, my fellow picturebook lovers! This post is going to be a wee short, but that's because there's such a small selection of books that actually fit into today's topic of books that you "press" and "tap."

It started in 2011 with Press Here by Hervé Tullet, and just this past August Christine Matheson published Tap the Magic Tree. These two books ask readers to tap illustrations, shake the book, clap, and blow kisses at the book, among other gestures, in order for the story to move forward. It's a really unique idea that hasn't been experimented with too much yet, so it's very fresh and fun. Press Here begins with a simple yellow dot and a set of instructions to press the yellow dot and turn the page, turning the one dot into two. As the book goes on and the instructions continue, the dot multiplies, changes direction, grows, shrinks, and overlaps with other colored dots to create a beautiful menagerie of overlapping colors.

Tap the Magic Tree is of the same ilk. From the description:

"It begins with a bare brown tree. But tap that tree, turn the page, and one bright green leaf has sprouted! Tap again—one, two, three, four—and four more leaves have grown on the next page. Pat, clap, wiggle, jiggle, and see blossoms bloom, apples grow, and the leaves swirl away with the autumn breeze. "

That's it for this week!

Interactively yours,

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